Day 99 through a dirty windshield


  1. "Hello,

    My Name is Julia and I'm from Germany.

    I love to scrap with all your Kits and I have a question to you.

    I made a private Homepage for my little son at I am creating Homepage-Designs with your Kits because they're just beautiful! Many other Users from want Designs like mine for theirs Homepages too and they asked me to create something for them. I have already done allot and now my question: May I offer my Homepage-Designs for other Users and theirs Homepage in our Forum at It is all for personal Use! No reselling or anything. It would be kind if you could write me something about it.

    Please visit my Homepage and see what I mean.

    Greetings, Julia"
    My E-Mail address:

  2. Hi Julia, thank you for your kind words :) I will look into your request in the morning. I promise I am not ignoring you, it is just very late here and the littlest really needs to get into bed. Thanks for your patience. I'll be in touch. ~Debi


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