Day 169

I'm posting this today in full knowledge that I may scream "what was I thinking" tomorrow.  Today I think it's poetic and a lovely representation of my oldest daughter's hands.  Sweet, soft as petals, fragile (see the bandage where she has again cut her finger, this time the other hand), and full of love.  These are the hands bringing me tissues and a heating pad.  These are the hands carrying me ice water for she's worried I may be dehydrated.  These are the hands of an angel.  So, this is what I thought to photograph today.  I'm sick, I've messed up my back, and I'm miserable.  This is June, I'm never sick in June.  It's just not right.  I'm hoping tomorrow is better, much better.


  1. I have always loved children's hands. SweetCheeks was here today because she has stitches in her chin...and I was holding her little hands and studying them. I kissed each perfect finger and told her she had 2 handfuls of love.

  2. Beautiful photo and lovely treatment. Makes the pic extra delicate


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